Friday, October 30, 2009

Save Money, Live Better, Die Cheaper

Ok so has caskets for sale. That is not a edited link.

Wow it's been a while, I know, but I'm updating in under a month I'm doing better than a lot of people. But I have some news: I'm moving back to Oklahoma on the eighteenth of November. My plan is move in with my parents earn some money by working for the Mafia and then using the money to go to school.

I've been learning some blues riffs on a piano which has been fun - I also had someone give me a guitar! But I started a new project. Before Rich Mullins died he wrote an album that was simple ten songs about Jesus I am working on the same project. There is nothing better to write about!

I'm gonna miss Illinois and my nieces and nephew, my sisters and brother in law. But it was a fun two months.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Krispy Kreme

So I went to Krispy Kreme tonight: My sister bought me coffee.

If you like coffee go to Krispy Kreme, it's fantastic. I like it a lot.

I've started reading a new book called: God, as He longs for you to see Him. It's by Chip Ingram. So far I love it. It's not as theologically challenging as other books but it is insightful and it keeps my attention.
The premise of the book is to change our worldly view of God to a biblical one. We will be using this book in our college ministry and I'm excited to see what glory of God will unfold from this study. There is one thing that is unattainable in my estimation and that is a perfect knowledge of God. This, however, challenges me to know what I can. For the most important thing about our lives is not about missions, or people, or even reaching the lost. The most important part of our lives should be seeking out the far reach of our God's love, it should be the searching for His glory, and with that comes planting the flag of Zion on the hills of this world to proclaim how great a God we have.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Flood run for your umbrella!

It's way raining right now. Like pouring - like the flood gates of heaven opened wide and the earth was covered in the drink of our atmospheric locker.

Ok so my older sister's birthday was last week, this week it's my younger sisters. I swear, I want it to be my birthday so I can get presents! Any body who wants to get me a present early is more than welcome! Those of you who like sewing things I've got this idea for you - A candy corn beanie -not made of, but looks like. I know it's genius.

I carved a mini pumpkin - It's pikachu. Yes I am that awesome.

I got to teach last night at church for the adults. I taught on the signs of our salvation. I used Romans chapter 8.

Friday, October 2, 2009

My noggin hurts!

So you ever feel like you sinus cavity is filling up like a water balloon? Like maybe it is leading to an imminent explosion of snotty proportions? If not; then you my friend are lucky. I am, however, not so lucky. In fact between my eyes watering and the impending doom of my sinus cavities I haven’t been able to see for the past couple of days.

Anyways, God gave me some great encouragement today. You may be saying “David, God is too important to stoop down and give you some encouragement just because you have a cold.” I disagree I’m God’s little kid, when I’m not feeling well, He wants me to feel better. God is a nurturing God.

Anyways I was having a rough day, and I stumbled across a book by Matt Redman called the Unquenchable Worshipper. I learned something great today, when you’re being crushed, and you are hurting look at God. Don’t look to God in hopes that He will heal you, but look at Him. I promise you when you see God’s glory you realize how insignificant your worries are. “Turn you eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace.