Saturday, December 5, 2009

Such a large sea and such a small boat

You ever feel like your hands are tied in most aspects of life?
Well I know I'm supposed to say "well I know I do" but I really don't. Now I don't want to give you the wrong idea, there are some days that I wish things would align and my future be set. For the most part, however, I'm dreaming a lot. Most people might say that dreams are a dime a dozen.
That one is pretty well true. Dreams and ideas don't pay the bills, but that never stopped me.

Some days I want to throw practicality to the wind and just be crazy. I'm not sure that's really my thing though. I'm not really spontaneous, I mean kind of, but not really. Right now I wish that a door would open up so I could work. I miss having some kind of income.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

The Indispensable Gospel

In our ever changing world there is a trend in the blending of necessity and want. For instance there are people who complain about not having money and as soon as they get paid they by soda. Now there isn't much bad about soda (not much good either), but, when soda takes place of necessity it shows what kind of value we put on Dr. Pibbster.
A christian might think that he views the gospel as being indispensable and imperative. If he were to closely examine what he considers to be important by the use and thought of the thing, however, he might find that he has lowered the gospel within the secret vessel of his heart.
The Scriptures hold the gospel in the highest regards. There is, without a doubt, and imperativeness to the gospel. The very frame of the Bible rests; not on teaching or correct doctrine - nor is it on the practice and observance of ritual and ordinance, but it is on the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

There are many reasons for this but perhaps the most meaningful to a lost human is sin. We cannot know the full destruction of sin. This we do know that; there is no more a damning and destructive thing than the evil that courses through our veins. The gospel is imperative because it is much needed.
The Gospel is also indispensable because it is the only way. There is no other way to God and redemption outside of the Gospel of Christ. Because our sin nature naturally draws us to setting up some idol or better way this fact is often overlooked. Even in modern evangelical teaching there is an idea that it is by some work of our own that we are redeemed. Some might say that we have set up an ideal of determination or human decision over the work of God.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

You know how to whistle dontcha steve?

So I was talking to one of my friends today. Through the course of conversation she mentioned that she was incapable of whistling. I myself can't ride a bike (or at least very well) so I understand her plight.

I was trying to teach my niece how to blow hot air onto a window to draw a smiley face and she couldn't do it. We tried for a while and still no luck. So I told her we would try later. I suppose I never learned to ride a bike because the few time I tried I ended up failing (or in a bush). The key to progressing is to not give up.

A lesson that has become very important to me as of late. It's so easy to get dejected and discouraged when life beats you down. Much like a clever inventor I know you must keep moving forward.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Bored with Politics

*start rant here*

I don't know about you but I'm tired of popular politics. You know the like. Where the politician is more concerned with their autobiography signing dates than they are about the people they serve. What if someone defied the norm? What if someone stood up and said enough is enough - We want politics that serve the public.
We need more people to direct their attention to farmers and local communities. We have plenty of people working on the national defecate and the economy crunch.

*end rant here*

Your boy is moving back to Oklahoma on Wednesday. Look out cause here I come. Yeah I know what you're thinking "How will Granite survive without you?" The answer is frankly 'I don't know' but I'm sure it will.

Monday, November 2, 2009

The Holy Anguish

Why should a man bow during prayer? Should he be brought to his knees in deep solemn reverence? Would he fall to them in a terror of a Holy God? I find, more often or not, that a true and penitent Christian is brought to his knees by the crippling anguish of his own estate.
At times I find myself bowing in reverence because when I was young I was taught to bow. As I grow closer to God I am cast on my knees not out of reverence, nor by fear, rather I am thrown to the threshing floor because of my distress.
It's not like me to post something this close to my heart, I don't know if anyone will read this but I feel as though I need to say it. There is a great deal of desperation in my soul as of late. I must be different. I must be changed. I must leave this flesh behind me. There have been long hours for me in pain and agony over how much work there is to be done.

David, why are you saying all of this? I don't know - but what I do know is that In my despair I am given strength. Maybe I'm supposed to convey that in my agonizing for holiness and change I find energy. Maybe I am simply supposed to challenge people. It is not good for a writer to simply write without objective, but I do because I want to share who I am. I am a worthless sinner who is no more worthy to be called a son of God than a rock - I am however a son of God because Christ has made me to be. I anguish over the sin that crops up in my live (or at sometime has taken residency), but I rise in the righteousness of Christ. I anguish over the hellish and Godforsaken estate of the world, but I rise in the Hope of Christ.

Holy Fire will create Holy Anguish. Pray for revival only if you're willing to suffer for it.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Save Money, Live Better, Die Cheaper

Ok so has caskets for sale. That is not a edited link.

Wow it's been a while, I know, but I'm updating in under a month I'm doing better than a lot of people. But I have some news: I'm moving back to Oklahoma on the eighteenth of November. My plan is move in with my parents earn some money by working for the Mafia and then using the money to go to school.

I've been learning some blues riffs on a piano which has been fun - I also had someone give me a guitar! But I started a new project. Before Rich Mullins died he wrote an album that was simple ten songs about Jesus I am working on the same project. There is nothing better to write about!

I'm gonna miss Illinois and my nieces and nephew, my sisters and brother in law. But it was a fun two months.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Krispy Kreme

So I went to Krispy Kreme tonight: My sister bought me coffee.

If you like coffee go to Krispy Kreme, it's fantastic. I like it a lot.

I've started reading a new book called: God, as He longs for you to see Him. It's by Chip Ingram. So far I love it. It's not as theologically challenging as other books but it is insightful and it keeps my attention.
The premise of the book is to change our worldly view of God to a biblical one. We will be using this book in our college ministry and I'm excited to see what glory of God will unfold from this study. There is one thing that is unattainable in my estimation and that is a perfect knowledge of God. This, however, challenges me to know what I can. For the most important thing about our lives is not about missions, or people, or even reaching the lost. The most important part of our lives should be seeking out the far reach of our God's love, it should be the searching for His glory, and with that comes planting the flag of Zion on the hills of this world to proclaim how great a God we have.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Flood run for your umbrella!

It's way raining right now. Like pouring - like the flood gates of heaven opened wide and the earth was covered in the drink of our atmospheric locker.

Ok so my older sister's birthday was last week, this week it's my younger sisters. I swear, I want it to be my birthday so I can get presents! Any body who wants to get me a present early is more than welcome! Those of you who like sewing things I've got this idea for you - A candy corn beanie -not made of, but looks like. I know it's genius.

I carved a mini pumpkin - It's pikachu. Yes I am that awesome.

I got to teach last night at church for the adults. I taught on the signs of our salvation. I used Romans chapter 8.

Friday, October 2, 2009

My noggin hurts!

So you ever feel like you sinus cavity is filling up like a water balloon? Like maybe it is leading to an imminent explosion of snotty proportions? If not; then you my friend are lucky. I am, however, not so lucky. In fact between my eyes watering and the impending doom of my sinus cavities I haven’t been able to see for the past couple of days.

Anyways, God gave me some great encouragement today. You may be saying “David, God is too important to stoop down and give you some encouragement just because you have a cold.” I disagree I’m God’s little kid, when I’m not feeling well, He wants me to feel better. God is a nurturing God.

Anyways I was having a rough day, and I stumbled across a book by Matt Redman called the Unquenchable Worshipper. I learned something great today, when you’re being crushed, and you are hurting look at God. Don’t look to God in hopes that He will heal you, but look at Him. I promise you when you see God’s glory you realize how insignificant your worries are. “Turn you eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

What do you want to see?

So you know how I often post funny things? Well tonight expect nothing of the sort. God had a heart to heart with me today when I was reading one of my favorite passages (Matthew 5). His word says this "Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God." You may be thinking "David I'm not seeing the problem here." Let me spell it out for you, my heart is the filthiest thing about me.
If you think your heart isn't that bad let me give you this: think of everything you've thought in your heart, every profane word, every lust, every twisted desire, all your hate, the things you've said and purposed and you've kept inside. Now, If I could blog, in detail, every one of those things and show the world your wickedness, what would you say? Before the eyes of God the blackness of our sins stands as a putrid testimony to who we really are.
So the problem is this: my heart is far from pure.

Some of the theologians are going to be disappointed in me, I do not intend to exegete the deepness of the doctrine of Christ's propitiation. I have been studying the cross lately and of this fact I am well aware and have been brought to my knees in praise, terror and humility because of it.

What I do intend to do is ask this question: What do you want to see? I was given a thread of hope in this, although I am faced with the disgusting sight of my sin, I still desire God. I still want to see God.
Repentance is relinquishing the things of the flesh (the desires of our lust driven and self driven heart) and grasping onto the desire for God (that He might be lifted up in our inabilities). This sheer thread of hope becomes the binding chords of joy; because in my evilness I must rely solely on the grace of God. By the blood of Christ can my heart be made pure!
Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God! Double blessings, because it is God who makes the door, opens the door, and carries us through! There is something said about a prodigal that would walk home on his own two feet. I am much like a prodigal described by C.S. Lewis " who is brought in kicking,struggling, resentful, and darting his eyes in every direction for a chance of

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Hi this is car 55... were in a truck!

Ok so here I am after a pretty awesome day. I had a sit down with the pastor of Second Baptist church - I told him my convictions on closed communion, local church doctrine and a bunch of other stuff. The church also took communion today. Not me though, I didn’t think it’d be right if I took communion at a church I wasn’t a member at.

Then I went to choir practice, it was pretty fun we were singing Christmas songs. I like Christmas songs (traditional Christmas songs) because vocally they’re more challenging than most other stuff. Anyways after that I went home and hung out with some new friends, Dustin, Cassy and Emily. We watched some of a movie and traded ringtones.

I was thinking remember when phones weren’t as accessible as they are now a days? What did we ever do? It’s not just that we have phones but we have phones that compute more information that computers from the 70’s could dream of. That is of course assuming computers can dream. Our culture is pretty weird. I mean it’s like people complain about having nothing to eat and the first thing they buy after they get money is soda. My mom calls soda “Sod-ee”. I think you all should call your mothers in the morning. I am going to. I haven’t called her in a while because she’s sick and I didn’t want to bother her.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

It keeps going, and going, and going

Well I haven't posted in a little while, so today I'm dusting off my keyboard and typing a discourse of great proportions! You have only begun to read!

Last night I went to a football game, the team I was rooting for (Granite City) started loosing their momentum after half time so I handed my sister and told her to rally the cap. After she did that Granite ended up scoring twice and winning 28 to 7. Yes rallying the cap, 60 percent of the time it works all of the time.

I still haven't found a job. Which really bums me out - I'm not gonna lie. But none the less I press forward! I know that God will find me something or provide for me somehow.

Have you struggled with your salvation? I think every good Christian ought to struggle at some point with their salvation. The word of God says this; Examine yourselves to see if you're in the faith (2 Corinthians 13:5). However some of you may be doubting your faith if you do this. Let me give you some encouragement. You can not be repented enough to be saved, you cannot sorrow enough to receive your salvation. You can't be saved by your brokenness. You can only be saved by looking towards Christ and away from everything you've put your trust in. Saving faith is that in your desperation you let go; of everything you've tried, all the self helps of Christianity, all the religious rights of the world, and you follow Christ.
In preaching the matter of repentance we cannot forget Christ, because we are not saved by changing our minds but by believing after Christ. Stop looking for signs, stop looking for some confirmation, and follow Christ!

Monday, September 21, 2009

What a dreadfully tired day

I woke up at about 8:45, not too harsh right (of course I went to bed at a late hour). For some reason, however, I have been so tired. It’s like I just want to close my eyes and fall asleep.

So why am I awake this late? ‘Cause Number a) I don’t want to sleep yet. Number 2) Because I put on Mulan. You may be asking yourself ‘why David are you watching Mulan?’ I will answer this. Because I love that movie, and aside from Belle, (from Beauty and the beast) Mulan is the hottest Disney girl. I’m just sayin’.

Mechelle and Jeremy got back from vacation, so I got to spend some quality time with the kids today (which upon being tired this was a challenge to say the least). I watched the premier of House tonight. It was a decent episode, I think they there a lot of sub and side stories that could have been eliminated.

I finally got that check cashed woot woot, I used it to open a bank account. Kudos for my prudent actions, I know, I know. Hey if you want to pray for me would you pray for my emotional strength and that I might get a job? It would be greatly appreciated.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


So if you could ask God one question what you ask? Would you ask Him how man people with blue eyes live on the earth? Would you ask Him why penguins don’t have knees? Would you inquire as to what the secret recipe for bushes baked beans?

I took five years of seminary and I heard a lot of questions. Some as deep as whether or not a person is predestined to salvation. Some as shallow as why men have nipples. But I’ve had one question that has plagued me all through out my seminary days.

When Satan and the angels rebelled against God, God condemned them to Hell. When Adam sinned we were given a Savior. Why did God choose men over all creation?

So what would your question be to God?

Saturday, September 19, 2009

And we're off!

My goal for this next week is to get a job and cash a check. I’ve been trying for two weeks to cash a personal check. I don’t have a bank account, Wal-mart won’t have any of that and I can’t find a check cashing place. So my plan is to endorse it over to my sister and have her cash it at her bank. I think that’ll work. Please message me if you have a better plan.

I also have sub goals this week - I finished my reading on prayer and started a new study on God’s will. I don’t know about you guys but sometimes I feel like I’m shooting arrows into the woods hoping they’ll hit a deer. I’m also petrified that I might hit a bear who, upon being shot, will tear me to little bitty bits. Ok I’m not entirely sure how far I can take this analogy but just a bit further. I think I have to find a target, and so I aim at anything I think looks like a deer. I need someone to show me what a deer looks like. And just like that I’ll bring it back to my subject. I am looking into God’s will – and what that really means.

I’ve had some complaints about the sound with the video so I will hold off on regular vlog posts until I can afford a better camera. Also I’m glad some of you like the movie Dr. Horrible – I’m glad you also have the music stuck in your head!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Hot dogs and Hot Rod

So I woke up a little late today, but at least I woke up. I went up to the Church and I helped my little sister work the food pantry. By helped I mean I worked on some other stuff while she did it by herself.

Oh but I had an epiphany! My Schemes and want for the future has become far too consuming. I am two driven by the future. If there is an idol for me it would be my wanting and looking into the future.

I often tell young Christians if you want to know what your god is just tell me what you think about most. What consumes your thoughts Christian? Scary? Maybe, but true. We were created for Christ and in Christ, any thing that consumes our minds and devotion more than Him is our idol.

We came home and watched Hot Rod and I’m dejected that I would allow something, with that much swearing and taking of God’s name in vain, to be in my collection. I guess I have grown calloused in most respects to my sin.

Well I’m not here to entertain you all the time; so if you’re going to read my blog be prepared to read some personal things. I’m not one for being overly private. Daine knows, I tried that after I had a recent bout of mistrust in people, I’m just no good at keeping things bottled up!

PC: Sorry for those of you who are offended by my rejection of Hot Rod you know how much I liked that movie, but I still think it's best to let that stuff get out of my life. (Personal Conviction)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Scheme a little scheme of me

You ever feel like you’re planning a thousand and one things? Maybe that’s just a David thing. I have about a quarter of a bazillion plans running through my head. Some of them I even write down. Just ask my friends. Some of these ideas include lucrative money making, others have to do with entertainment, and others have to do with ministry. Some of these are legit, too legit to quit. Others are terrible ideas.

So like I said I’ve been studying the Cross of Christ, and first on the list was the total depravity of the human race. It’s not a light hearted subject. In fact I would imagine that if a person wanted to add some self loathing and humility to themselves, they need only to look at the blackness of their own sin. The darkness of the human spirit will make you desire God. Desperation is a key factor to the study of the Cross. You must reach a state of total self abasement to truly understand the sacrifice of Christ. Something I have not yet fallen to. I will, however, continue trying to see the Glory of God (and that might just be the death of me).

Today I finished watching the Harry Potter series! Yay for being a nerd! Mom if you’re reading this even if you didn’t have a problem with the witchcraft bit, it’s so boring. Micah and Kara, I apologize, but I’m pretty sure I’d rather find a hole in my pants on commando Tuesday than watch any of those again.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

It’s a fight to replenish

If you’re following me on Twitter, you no doubt read my last tweet about being in pursuit of the cross and Soteriology. It has occurred to me that in Christian fellowship there is a lacking emphasis on the cross of Christ and the price of our salvation. So I am gong through the word to know God, and to know Him in the face of Christ.

In other news today I found out there is a hockey league for gentlemen such as me which would be pretty amazing if I could play with them. I also was given some encouragement. I’ve been praying for a long time now (you who know me know this) that God might lay His will on my life. Well a young lady sent me a message today thanking me for writing a song. A song I posted on my facebook. I know most of you are thinking “David I’ve been telling you for years you write well, you sing well, you play well.” And I appreciate all these. I had never realized, however, that the music I write for God can help bring others to know Him, and to help them go towards Him. When she thanked me I couldn’t help but thank God. All I ever get is compliments. I never realized that what I do with the gifts God gave me can help another person know Him.

So I don’t know what your gift is, it might be singing, it might be taking pictures, it might be playing the greatest sport ever invented, it might be encouraging others with our words. But what ever you can do, do it for Him, you are showing other people your God, and what He can do in a sinners life. He invites you to follow Him by giving Him you life. He doesn’t need us, He wants us, do you want Him?

Monday, September 14, 2009

I'm working on my 5 year tan

So today was a pretty amazing day. I woke and did my doings. I decided I would spend today applying online and watching the Harry Potter movies, after about thirty minutes I stopped watching the Harry Potter Movies. Mainly because I would rather pour salt in my eyes than watch another thirty minutes. It doesn’t stop there because I got bored, and I put it back on, then I gave up again at lunch time.

So after being a complete failure in my movie watching, my little sister and I decided to have some fun taking pictures. We went all over town taking pictures, here’s the album if you’d like to see. I talked to a guy who was ticked that the city has a team of people taking picture and investigating what they term as “Nuisances”. I told him walking in the streets wasn’t his best bet. If he wanted to fight it he needed to do it on a legal platform, and not merely on an emotional one.

We came home ate some dinner and that was the end of my loverly day.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Happiest home in these hills!

Well I know I have neglected my blogging duties, but I can live with myself. Today marks my first Sunday with Second Baptist Church! I’m excited to get involved. They’re starting a college ministry – and for the first time in about three years I will be attending a Sunday school class. I’ve been teaching for a long time it kind of feels weird to be listening to someone else for a change.

In any case, I’m living in a brand new state, and a brand new city. I’ve had lots of comments and replies to all the changes in my life. Thanks everyone!

By the by, I’ve got some great ministry ideas! I’ll update them when I get closer to planning them out. However I will let you know that I may be looking for ministry workers sometime in the future so if you’re interested keep watching for more details.

I’m gonna start daily blogs this week so look for them.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Hi I'm Earth have we met?

Well I have officially left Norman. For those of you who are missing me, I have but one thing to say, don't cry for me Argentina. No seriously, I'm gonna miss every person I ever met in Norman. Every last one of you I consider a wonderful blessing in my life. Now that we've got that out of the way. Let's recap the last three and a half years:

When I was eighteen I moved out into the world - Dog eat dog and otherwise. I got a job at Subway (eat fresh, eat your heart out Jared). I was already enrolled at seminary and had completed one and a half years of it. I started living with Adam and Mark. Soon after that Matt moved in, who eventually married Caroline in the wedding of the century two years later.

Anyways, worked a couple of jobs in fast food and decided retail was the way to go. So I joined the team Mardel. Including; Cindy, Heather, Kara, Micah, Andrea, Ben, Jaeton, Conner, Krycho, Brian, Kathy, Glenda, Laura, Jerry P, Jerry C (who consequently is Italian), Lesley, Diondra, Kelsey, Jen, Travis, Brandy, Robert, Dallas (who introduced me to the phrase "Rat Killing"), Sara, Sarah, Katie, Grace, Matt and Brianna. For those of you who are wondering I dropped the names cause it's my dang blog and I can if I want.

Then I moved on to different things but kept in touch with Mardel people. I met my home girl Olibia through Mardel. Thursday BWW nights were the best. Met Amber in 2007. My Best friend of all time, the man I took a bullet for back in 1942, fired from a kraut's side arm which subsequently cost me the life of my spleen, Daine, moved in early in 2008.

Notable notables in my life include but are not secluded to Ashley and Justin, Ashley and Max, Jennie, Carissa, Meagen, Daniel and Leslie (and their Children), Daniel and Kati, Chase, R.L., Deedra, Colton, The Autry's, My church family, Sokomat Benewater Phd., and Cindy who I previously mentioned but am gonna mention again.

Ah, Norman, t'has been good to me.

By the by if I missed you it was not intentional unless of course it was intentional and I'm certainly not going to tell you if it was.