So I woke up a little late today, but at least I woke up. I went up to the Church and I helped my little sister work the food pantry. By helped I mean I worked on some other stuff while she did it by herself.
Oh but I had an epiphany! My Schemes and want for the future has become far too consuming. I am two driven by the future. If there is an idol for me it would be my wanting and looking into the future.
I often tell young Christians if you want to know what your god is just tell me what you think about most. What consumes your thoughts Christian? Scary? Maybe, but true. We were created for Christ and in Christ, any thing that consumes our minds and devotion more than Him is our idol.
We came home and watched Hot Rod and I’m dejected that I would allow something, with that much swearing and taking of God’s name in vain, to be in my collection. I guess I have grown calloused in most respects to my sin.
Well I’m not here to entertain you all the time; so if you’re going to read my blog be prepared to read some personal things. I’m not one for being overly private. Daine knows, I tried that after I had a recent bout of mistrust in people, I’m just no good at keeping things bottled up!
PC: Sorry for those of you who are offended by my rejection of Hot Rod you know how much I liked that movie, but I still think it's best to let that stuff get out of my life. (Personal Conviction)
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