Tuesday, September 29, 2009

What do you want to see?

So you know how I often post funny things? Well tonight expect nothing of the sort. God had a heart to heart with me today when I was reading one of my favorite passages (Matthew 5). His word says this "Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God." You may be thinking "David I'm not seeing the problem here." Let me spell it out for you, my heart is the filthiest thing about me.
If you think your heart isn't that bad let me give you this: think of everything you've thought in your heart, every profane word, every lust, every twisted desire, all your hate, the things you've said and purposed and you've kept inside. Now, If I could blog, in detail, every one of those things and show the world your wickedness, what would you say? Before the eyes of God the blackness of our sins stands as a putrid testimony to who we really are.
So the problem is this: my heart is far from pure.

Some of the theologians are going to be disappointed in me, I do not intend to exegete the deepness of the doctrine of Christ's propitiation. I have been studying the cross lately and of this fact I am well aware and have been brought to my knees in praise, terror and humility because of it.

What I do intend to do is ask this question: What do you want to see? I was given a thread of hope in this, although I am faced with the disgusting sight of my sin, I still desire God. I still want to see God.
Repentance is relinquishing the things of the flesh (the desires of our lust driven and self driven heart) and grasping onto the desire for God (that He might be lifted up in our inabilities). This sheer thread of hope becomes the binding chords of joy; because in my evilness I must rely solely on the grace of God. By the blood of Christ can my heart be made pure!
Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God! Double blessings, because it is God who makes the door, opens the door, and carries us through! There is something said about a prodigal that would walk home on his own two feet. I am much like a prodigal described by C.S. Lewis " who is brought in kicking,struggling, resentful, and darting his eyes in every direction for a chance of

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